AC Repair and Recharge

AC Repair and Recharge in Orlando

Air conditioning systems help make your car cabin comfortable in the hot summer. When your air conditioner is not working correctly, you can experience discomfort while driving or during long trips.

Our mobile mechanics specialize in AC repair and recharge services throughout Orlando. We use only premium parts and replacements to ensure maximum cooling efficiency and reliability. Our technicians will inspect all the components of your AC system, such as the compressor, condenser, evaporator, and hoses.

We also provide AC recharge services if needed. Our technicians can help identify any leaks or underlying issues and make repairs so you can enjoy a cool cabin temperature again.

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Aircon Failure Signs in Orlando, FL

It’s time to call our mobile mechanics if you notice any of the following signs:

  • Diminished airflow from the vents
  • High temperature in car cabin while running AC
  • Unusual noises from the aircon system (clicking, rattling, etc.)
  • Foul odors emanating from the vents when turning on the AC
  • Leaks from the AC system

Weak Airflow

Weak airflow is a common problem with air conditioning systems. In fact, it’s one of the most common problems our customers face.

Here are the most common possible causes of weak airflow:

  • Mold and mildew build-up in the vents
  • Caked-on dirt and debris blocking the airflow path
  • A broken fan belt or failed blower motor
  • Poorly sealed ducts allowing air to escape from the system
  • Faulty compressor causing a lack of cold air being produced by the AC system

Why Is Your Aircon Isn’t Cold?

If your aircon isn’t producing cold air, it could be due to the following reasons:

  • Faulty O-rings, split hoses, or loose hose clamps
  • Low levels of refrigerant due to a leak or improper recharging
  • Faulty thermostat not accurately measuring the temperature in the car cabin
  • Broken fan belt or failed blower motor preventing proper airflow and cooling effect

AC Unit Performance Checks

An aircon unit doesn’t always need repairs and could only be a low Freon level. This issue needs a simple recharge and will be covered by our AC performance check service.

Our 24/7 365 mechanics will perform the following as part of this service:

  • Inspect for refrigerant leak
  • Check the condition of hoses, belts, and seals
  • Test compressor cycle times
  • Measure air temperature output from the vents
  • Visually inspect all components for signs of wear or damage
  • Recharge the system as needed with top-quality Freon brands that meet OEM specifications.

If our mechanics find any problem areas, they will make the necessary repairs or replacements, so your vehicle can return to peak performance . But they ensure to inform you of the cost before starting any extra work like transmissions  repair. Thankfully, we offer one of the best rates in town because we can access one of the largest OEM parts catalogs.